Browsing your blog today, I noticed that for some time I did not write this about what you should write on the blog that is your opinion on the things that I am describing here.
Listening ostaniami days the radio because television do not watch because I antenna broke, and I think that is not what it repaired because only one can irritate watching these constant bickering and proving their case by the powerful of this world took notice of which takes place in Poland today debate media concerning pension reform. In Poland, the body paying the pension majority of the population today is the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS).
How it works more or less everyone knows. Well, at the moment consist of people working on pensions for people who already receive them. It is true that after the year 1999. Everyone has their own individual account in ZUS, but if the individual is try to deal with this account to choose which kind of money there. Apparently, the rules are such that it can not be, but in reality it is rather just a string of digits stored in the computer, which in no way is covered in real money.
Apparently we pay to when it'll live to have a decent retirement, but already today we all know for sure that I have now 38 years when I retire at age 65 because our dear government changed the law and lowered the retirement age that receive roughly one-third what I earn now or in the best case about 250 euros per month gross, of course. Wow amount is staggering. Today, she does some experience but I will go to retire in about 26 years and then those 250 euros it will certainly be a fortune.
Wanting to do something in this direction was to better our government invented pension funds, which, in principle, almost no because in recent years gradually been cheated out of their wealth.
At the moment, we talk about returning to accumulate in the so-called third pillar. There is only one problem. Lida in place and probably in most other countries earning the lowest national majority do not have what put itself on the additional retirement because of May and finances so stretched to the limit.
N As of today I am in a small unit of human resources and local know more or less how it is built everything because that's my job.
For some time now I began to wonder what I can do to my pension was enough for me to pay more than staying in a nursing home, although the fees are high and may miss it.
It has long been one of my friends urged me to try the method of earning on the network, or build their benefits on the basis of network marketing. He is recommending me some programs none of which somehow I was not interested, but instilled in me some information in the subconscious mind that there are other methods than making time. I, however, was not so much about the present moment, what about your future and my family.
I began to read, browse the Internet and register for several programs through which it can ever get something .. Anyway, my whole story, which takes a little over a year can be traced by reading various tabs on my blog.
Now, after a year of acquiring the skills I decided to write something about it. I will say right away that most of these people who say that in a short time have earned himself some great income simply lying to encourage you to enter in the project receive commissions for agents that we engage in this project. Of course, there are people that achieve great benefits but say the same as what came it took them a few years.
I today after a year I can only say that is slowly beginning to understand what's going on in the network marketing. I will not lie to you, I have some to unknown what level of income and everything is beautiful and nicely because I still have moments that I want to give it all up and not waste any more time on this whole business. However, we decided that I will choose two or three projects and will act in them because what I'm okay.
I put these projects a little financial means in fact mainly in one or GCC Group. I will say honestly that over two months wondering if I'm doing well, I want it to go, but in the end I decided to try with.
But why? Because of a few reasons.- First the company is established which can be determined to go there and see how it looks. Sam I hope that soon I will be able to visit her.
- the company offers specific products namely devices using 3D printing technology
- project has its cryptocurrency or GCC Coin , which I think in a few years will be one of the most valuable cryptocurrency available on the market. the more you will develop the 3D printing will look nicer our balance after conversion GCC Euro or any other currency.
- Apart from the fact that the company uses to divide profits in binary system, just because for me it is a secondary matter, she managed to create something unique on a global scale, namely SINC or otherwise Ecosystem24 . It is at this time a few, but already in the near future more and more web portals created by GCC Group of which part of the revenue will be shared with our company. This is where I see his additional and very secure retirement . Because this system is so conceived that it is very difficult to spread. Just where the company has some income from an activity it shares it with us, and how it does not do is we do not get anything either. Now, think whether it is worth to try and be part of this project.
Although I am by nature terribly careful in spending money as the already written a few sleepless nights and considerations for and against that decided who does not risk does not exist. I know that everybody is looking for ways to make such teeth as little insert either nothing at all to give of themselves. I personally also looking for something like this and I will say frankly that all these projects that I found sooner or later fell. GCC Group is not free. Here you have to give something back, but the opportunities offered by the company are in my opinion, worth the price. Nobody says that immediately need to buy a 3D printer. If anyone has concerns, you can start with the smallest package, which costs 38 Euro and then as I see how it looks, you can always make something else. But this is only your decision. I myself think that the best project on how to date came and thank the person who recommended it to me because I think that like no other he has just has a chance to even the unlimited development. Of course, everything in the hands of people and it depends on us how this development will be conducted.
I tried to see and probably for some time whether it was worth it. And I say to you all shortly have to consider each separately or sometimes not worth it to spend such an amount, if only to see how this whole machine works.
I tried to see and probably for some time whether it was worth it. And I say to you all shortly have to consider each separately or sometimes not worth it to spend such an amount, if only to see how this whole machine works.