Thursday, 28 September 2017

In Rzeszów will be printed 3D models of heart

Today, short-term and not my words, but I think the item is worth and additionally emphasize happening near me or in Rzeszow and is inextricably linked with 3D printing. Again, something is happening right under our noses recommend you read this material. And even for those who do not know where is the Rzeszow probably because not everyone had heard about this city in particular, the interpreters blog for a few swifts poglądowa flour is more or less where it is.

In Rzeszow research and development center G2A.COM company will produce 3D models of the heart, which will help in learning to detect defects in this organ in children prenatally. The models will emerge in one of the departments of the company - 3D Plus. 

As told PAP director. Patrick strategic development G2A.COM Kadlec models are printed in SLA technology photopolymer resin. "So you get an unprecedented print quality and accurate construction of the heart" - he added.

Kadlec stressed that the technology has enabled reduction of the current model of production costs in half. "In Rzeszów we do not only much cheaper but also much faster, because the average print time is approx. 3 hours" - he stressed.

3D model of the heart, which is printed in the capital of Podkarpacie was developed in cooperation with a team of Krakow doctors led by Dr. hab. med. Martin Wiechecia from the Jagiellonian University. On the other hand Wiechecia team also worked with a group of specialists of industrial design under the direction of Luke Tabakowskiego.
In total, will be built nearly 30 different models of the heart, which will illustrate the most common and most difficult to diagnose congenital heart defects. Will train them students and doctors. As stressed Wisp, until now, students could only learn the diagnosed cases, unless the patient has agreed to their presence during the test. "3D models will allow clinicians ginekologom gain practical knowledge and skills, so that when ultrasound will be able to recognize a particular disadvantage," - he stressed. Congenital heart defects are the most common causes of infant mortality. 3D models of heart will allow medical students become acquainted with the characteristics of a healthy heart and one that is burdened with disadvantages. The model consists of 8 elements which unfolded allow detailed analysis compared in relation to the case. The finished print is hand-painted.

G2A.COM is one of the world's largest auction platform, where users can sell codes for games. In 2016. On the platform was conducted 22 million transactions.
The company, which is engaged in the printing and creating 3D Virtual Reality application, was established in Poland by David cones and Bartosz Skwarczka; its headquarters are in Hong Kong, including office has New Delhi, Shanghai and Cracow.

In Rzeszów is a research and development center of the company, which employs more than 700 people from 40 countries, speaking 24 languages. (PAP) "

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Information for people who click on MX World ;)

About this project I wrote not long ago for this reason that just not much going on. Of course there were from time to time various promotions, but since I did not take part in them are not describing them.
Some time ago, probably you remember restored were paid clicks on the ads. At the beginning there were 25 day, 50 day, and then had come to 100 a day or so as it was before the changes that occurred at the turn of the year.
I am an avid clicker so conscientiously every day in the morning and sit down to the phone clicked 50 times to earn $ 0.25. Today in the morning after 25 wyklikaniu ad appeared following the information presented below:
So the easiest way of speaking, because of the fact that there is not enough available advertising opportunities limited to 25 a day of clicking.
In recent times, unfortunately, he could see smaller or the number of ads appearing in basically the same ads round.
Unfortunately, it seems that fewer and fewer advertisers buy ads in the MX. May this was only due to the holiday period. On the other hand, unless the MX community does not grow too much and there is also a problem for advertisers.
Wait'll see what happens.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

How to transfer from the GCC stock exchanges NovaExchange on your wallet?

In the last post I showed you how to buy the GCC coin stock market NovaExchange. Today I will show you step by step how to move your GCC GCC stock markets portfolio. In the end, the stock market Coins we do not grow, and the portfolio is always something out there can come.
the first step is to log on to the stock exchange Nova Exchange which I described in a previous post.
  1. After entering the login tab Wallets as shown in the figure below

  1. from the drop-down menu, select the command Ballances and click them.
  2. Window will appear as shown in the figure above. The item number 3 we have shown our state of the GCC.
  3. W punkcie 4 przeliczona jest wartość naszego GCC w BTC.
  4. Zaznaczając ten Checkbox zostawiamy widoczne tylko te crypto których stan na naszym koncie jest większy od zera. Jest to taki filtr który w znacznym stopniu ułatwia nam prace. Zaznaczyłem go na rysunku poniżej.

  1. Następnie klikamy pole na którym jest nazwa naszej waluty w tym wypadku GCC. Po kliknięciu rozwinie się kolejne menu jak poniżej.

  1. Następnie klikamy polecenie Withdraw GCC i przechodzimy do kolejnego okna przedstawionego poniżej.

  1. W tym polu wpisujemy albo wklejamy nasz adres portfela GCC na który przelejemy nasze coins.
  2. Kolejno podajemy kwotę GCC jaka chcemy przelać na portfel.
  3. Jeżeli chcemy przelać wszystkie dostępne GCC to klikamy na tym polu.
  4. W tym miejscu pojawia się oplata jaka pobiera sobie giełda za dokonanie transakcji.
  5. Gdy wszystko jest już gotowe podajemy kod PIN akceptujący nasza transakcje.
  6. Następnie drugim stopniem potwierdzenia dokonania transakcji jest wpisanie kodu Google authentyfication.
  7. Na końcu akceptujemy dokonanie wypłaty.

  1. Kolejnym krokiem jest otworzenie maila i znalezienie wiadomości potwierdzającej zlecenie naszej wypłaty. Musimy to zrobić jeżeli chcemy ostatecznie zaakceptować dokonanie płatności.

  1. Po otworzeniu wiadomości e-mail sprawdzamy dane przekazu jakie zostały przedstawione w wiadomości e-mail. czyli w Pierwszej pozycji kwotę przelewanych GCC.
  2. Kolejno podano numer IP z jakiego dokonany będzie przekaz GCC.
  3. Następnie adres portfela GCC na który maja być przekazane nasze coins.
  4. Gdy wszystko się zgadza klikamy na link poniżej tych danych aby ostatecznie potwierdzić nasza transakcje.

Po kliknięciu linku z wiadomości e-mail pojawia nam się już ostatnie okno które potwierdza że nasza wyplata GCC na portfel kanczyla się powodzeniem. Teraz jeszcze tylko musimy odczekać aż nasze GCC trafia na nasz portfel. 

To juz koniec. nasze coins będą znajdowały się na portfelu i zwiększą możliwości osiągania przez nas zysków z kopania GCC.