Today, unfortunately, the average information for people interested in the GCC. For a long moment I wondered whether to write about on the blog, but in the end I try to lead it honestly so it would be wrong if I did not give this information, which is certainly not congest recognition GCC Group.
This November was published on the facebook group which operates in the GCC Group. Well, what does it mean? And no, that someone broke into the Web Wallet GCC and the people there that held funds stolen several million coin GCC. Unfortunately, it turned out that the portfolio ie have sufficient security. The company in the list provides that 80% coins managed to block a sale, and the remaining 20% of the company will return the wallets. Of course, some coins is these 20% were sold on the stock exchange C-Cex.
At the moment portfolio of web based work which is not understandable. I think that after the introduction of additional security again for some time it is run.
The second equally sad thing is that probably all the information that is in the community living in the GCC Group and the European Union today, they got to their email box is this, that since 1 May 2018 years packets sold in the EU will be subject to VAT. You have to expect that this, unfortunately, but package prices will go up. Sure it's still difficult and so for quite some time which is a difficult task and advertising packages to encourage the purchase ..
Unfortunately, today introduced two uninteresting information about the company. As far as the latter does not depend on the GCC Group, unfortunately, this is the first seems to be the result of niedopracowania from the company, which will definitely not cause her followers. Let us hope that this will not have long-term effects and in a short time course Coin come back on the right track.