Sunday, 30 April 2017

Installing the GCC portfolio Coin second part - the transfer of Coins project portfolio

In a previous post I described installations and synchronization GCC Coin wallet. Today, I'll show how to pass Coins from our offices that we have in the project portfolio. But to transfer these Coins first for safety we should set a password to our portfolio so that no one else could get to him.
  1. For this purpose, the top menu select the command of our portfolio settings , and select the drop down menu from the top of the first command  Encrypt Wallet . 
  2. It appears to us a window where we give the password twice that will be cushioned our portfolio and press the button OK .
  3. When you press OK, you receive us another window where there is a warning about this to remember their passwords because when her forget it lose located on the Coins. Therefore, write down the password somewhere and let's keep it in a safe place for everyone. If we are already behind, click OK and go to the next step.
  4. Here comes another message to us about the fact that all copies made against collateral portfolio will be useless. Therefore, let us remember that after the opening of our securitized portfolio perform a new backup.
Since our portfolio is already secure, now we can start to move our Coins.
  1. After re-opening the wallet click on to get the GCC. This card is on the left side of the window of our portfolio. This is the panel that is responsible for sending Coins the wallet.
  2. Here is located the address of our portfolio. It is very important and we will use it every time when you'll want to put some Coins our portfolio. It is something like your bank account number with the bank transfers. You have to be very careful how it was served to all.
  3. For this purpose, a button Coppy Address .. when you press this button, we are sure that our address has been copied to clarifying and completely.
  4. Then we enter our page GCC and log in to your administration panel. and our office, select the tab Wallet Verification that will be used to forward Coins.
  5. A window will open as shown below. At this point we paste our address book that kopiowaliśmy in step 7. These are some of the major actions in the transfer of our Coins so let's do it all very carefully.
  6. Now we go back to our portfolio. Click the Sign Message.
  7. We show us another window in which to press the Sign Message or we sign our message. If your wallet is protected by a password, we can expect the appearance of the message to enter the password
  8. At this point we enter our username by which you log on to our website GCC.
  9. Here is our address book which was mentioned earlier. If you have not copied it on the GCC side, we can do it now.
  10. In this field, we generated code by which we confirm the transaction. We need to copy it.
  11. In the next step, again we go to the page and place the GCC Sign Code paste the copied code from the portfolio confirming the transaction.
  12. the next step after re-checking is to accept our transaction with the blue button.
  13. We opened another window on our website GCC. This field is our address book. We see it again and if the error repeat previous points already with the correct data. If everything is OK to proceed to the next step. 
  14. At this point we give the number Coins that we want to transfer the portfolio. we do not need to transfer all at once. We can use transactions as the first test and send only a few Coins and then if the first succeeds done a complete transfer.
  15. When everything is ready, click the button PAYOUT .
  16. We show us another window on our website. Here we can still recall our transaction and leave our Coins in our office. If everything is OK it idziemy.dalej.
  17. Now we go to our e-mail address and open the message that came to us from GCC Group. This is a security which by the end we have an impact on whether our Coins reach our portfolio. If you want to transfer them to confirm this operation by clicking the highlighted link. If not, just do not let us do just skontaktujmy the GCC Group.
  18. After accepting e-mail messages of no return, and we commissioned the transaction will be executed. We'll see it on our website. Now we have to just wait for the posting of our operation that can take up to 14 days.
  19. Now we have to check periodically whether our Coins already reached the wallet. For me, it took about 3 days. Well, we have completed our action Coins on the portfolio and we can dig.
  20. Now only the last thing I check the status of a transaction on our website. After posting on the portfolio transaction status changed to paid. 
And this is the end of our transfer Coins the wallet. Now we just have to wait until Coins start to dig in and do not forget to do some backups of our portfolio.

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Installing the GCC portfolio Coin Part I - installation and synchronization

Because at the moment in the GCC a lot of people moving their Coins portfolios decided to describe step by step how to do it. Because the material is pretty much decided to divide it into two separate posts. One in which only write about how to download and install the wallet. 
  1. First we enter the page and press the Download or download.
  2. We opened another window shown below.
    1. Here, we charge for portfolio websites.
    2. The portfolio of the operating systems Windows
    3. Wallet system MAC ,
    4. The portfolio of the operating system LINUX .
  3. If you select a portfolio of browser it appears to us in the 3 position portfolio option to go to the browser. In the other three cases will be available under the number 3 download option. I chose because your system portfolio, therefore, I click the Windows download.
  4. Window will appear to download below. Select Save.
  5. This step is quite simple when you select to save, click OK and accept our decision.
  6. Now we need to find where he enrolled in our file. In my case, it is standard in the Download directory. Each of you should have selected a default folder for saving files downloaded from the web. In each of the systems may be called differently. the file will look like in the picture below and will be packed.
  7. After unpacking we will file directory from which you can choose selected number 7 icon. When you click run our portfolio.
  8. Below I presented the figure of the first launch of our portfolio. It looks quite nice. Strip marked with the number 8 is progress our portfolio of synchronization with the network.
  9. This icon shows us the quality of the network connection the better will be the quality, the better for us.
  10. Another icon shows us the status of the synchronization network portfolio. If the synchronization process is complete icon should light up in blue. Of course, after each power may take some time to ignite the wallet icon because first must connect to the network.
  11. On the picture below, we see a good connection to the network, which will allow us to as stable as digging. This connection should be as powerful.
  12. so it looks like the portfolio of sync icon with the network after its completion. In my case, it took less than an hour, but it can drag it to a few hours depending on the network connection you have, and what network traffic because it may be that at the same time synchronization is running on a large number of devices.
In this post is enough. after these operations should be synchronized portfolio. The next step is to move your Coins from the project in the portfolio, but more on that in the next post.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Today we will show something to a point I did not appreciate, and it turns out that this is one of the most interesting options that provides us Back Office Group is a panel of GCC. GIFT CERTIFICATE . What's this? It is simply a gift that you can buy your friend or family, for example, also to celebrate a birthday or holidays or without any occasion.
Below I will present step-by-step how to do it:
  1. After logging in to our office OFFICE we go to the tab as shown below.

  1. The next step is to select from the drop down menu options GIFT CERTIFICATE .
  2. Shows us the page as in the picture below: In position No. 3 we have given information about the state of our funds in your account in the GCC Group.
  3. In the next step, select the 3D pack we want to give to a person. Availability packet is dependent on having an amount of the measures described in the preceding paragraph. 
  4. This field is very important here give an email address of the person you want to make a gift. If you leave it blank this certificate will be sent to our e-mail address and we ourselves will be able to give it to someone else.
  5. The next field is the acceptance of 3D package purchased. By pressing this button simply buy the certificate.
  6. We buy a separate certificate to pay for the shipment. Here you can choose the type of delivery that previously purchased for our partner. From what I know the costs of delivery must purchase a separate invoice or we go again points 1 to 3 and then go directly to step 7
  7. In turn choose the country to which the consignment to be sent.
  8. This last field enter your e-mail information which has come to take out a certificate of delivery.
  9. Once we have everything ready as in point number 6 accept.
  10. Presented below screen shows us the number we received our certificate after pressing the button BUY . The same certificate will be sent to our address an e-mail to the e-mail address that we gave when buying a particular 3D package. 
  11. pressing the button we return to our office
On the part of the person who wants to buy a gift that so many can not even just that in an e-mail to the person for whom the certificate is purchased should precaution enter your registration link and describe it to use when registering for the program.

Now, what should a person do who get a gift from you?
  1. A person endowed by our certified after opening their e-mail address will receive a message as shown below.
  2. After opening the message we will see information about who bought you for a certificate and certificate number or the most important. This number will then be used for the purchase of a 3D after registration.                                                       
  3. Message with the same information that is, with the certificate number will also be sent to the person who bought us a gift 3D package.
  4. here you will find the e-mail address of person to whom the certificate was salted out /
To go to the registration it is best to open the referral link sent a separate message from your sponsor. It is true that this can be done directly from the email, but despite multiple trips me up attempts failed. I will not describe here since the beginning of the registration process, I will just post a link to the appropriate registration in the GCC Group .
  1. After registration we enter into your office and you move tab invoice. appears below. In place of the 17 specified number of copy number of the certificate obtained in an e-mail.
  2. In the next step comes alive button USE located next to the inscribed certificate. A window will appear as shown below.
  3. In the open window after making sure that all is well accept the use of the certificate by clicking Save Changes .
  4. The last step is to re-check after a few minutes of our invoice tab should look like. 
    invoice payment status changes to Gift Certificate and operations can be considered complete.
And what are the advantages of doing so:
  • Someone we can make a very nice gift that some time may be really valuable,
  • if we are people and we trust that they will pay us the cost of the purchased certificate is in my opinion the fastest way to accept payment by GCC Group. In my case, it took maybe 30 minutes, and was registered my account and I had paid the fees and extra points PVC.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

What this course GCC Coin?

Today, some thoughts on the current value of the GCC COIN . Well, looking at the short reviews Coin as cryptocurrency we can certainly observe certain trends and what? A no such that up to a point that is until the end of the promotion or to 7 April 2017, the value of Coina steadily increased, reaching a maximum at the point of even 0.40 euros per 1 Coin .  After the end of the promotion takes place today fall in the value of the currency. At the time of writing this post when it is formed at around 0,021 euros. 

Many people are starting to say that the GCC Coin is a scam or some; SHITCOIN '. And why this is happening. Or maybe because it is the new currency at the beginning of its path and its value can not be measured in real terms by the end. 
In one of the first posts on the GCC Group. I wrote about the beginnings of Bitcoin. Then I found an article in which they wrote that the first transaction made using the first cryptocurrency  pizza was purchased for Bitvoinów 10000,00. If we wanted to spend today 10000,00 Coins for pizza after the current value would cost 210 euros. Now the question is how many pizzas you could buy for that price? Personally, I think that the start of our GCC currency is better than the first one. 
I think that now is the perfect time to encourage the purchase 3D packages because currently only receive them mighty Coins . The person deciding to purchase today can hardly have much to lose and profits in a few years could be considerable.
According to me, a lot of people wanted to quickly earn selling Coins at a price of 0.3 euros or 0.4 and reaching 300 or 400 percent profit. Those who had the Coins lot certainly something earned thus brought into a large sell-off of our cryptocurrency 
What can I say? I personally do not intend to sell their coins because I believe that for some time, but a lot of their value will increase. It all depends on how they will be put into circulation and how many things can be bought with it. And these things are dependent also already from the community of GCC. 
According to me, the less Coins will be more expensive to dig this will be their value. We now need to show all the possibilities Coin and where we can or will soon be able to use it. And certainly the potential is huge because it is behind a very innovative technology. 

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Several new information Video4Money

It is true that information about today I wanted to write appeared a few days ago, but due to the holidays I write about it until now.
  1. Since March 1, we would look at would be allowed up to 500 movies, and thus obtain maximum 4,500 branches. And everything would be fine if the news would be introduced from April. But the company has not introduced a rule in March and in my case when I was alone a lot of their points over 4500 points and I know that there were quite a few people who have had more than 10,000 points. Apparently, these changes were introduced at the request of advertisers and does SAIE them not surprised because with so many oglądniętych films and the number of points scored is probably in April again wyszłyby paltry cents per view, but still something starts to apply in a given accounting period is not changing.
  2. It has been reported that due to the content of the comments until April 13, you can add comments only in English and German. We all know that today is not a problem because you can use the Google translator . Unfortunately this significantly increases the time spent on commenting one film. But why? And why do you have to first write a comment that later translate Google, and then rewrite it into the comments Video4Money. I personally would not risk copying because it seems that once it was spoken, that may not be copied comments.
It turns out that it will be increasingly difficult to achieve the required 2500 points, and if so it will be less people to share. Unfortunately this can reduce the number of people who are in the project and thus also the interest of advertisers. well we see how it unfolds further in August.

Important information about GCC Coin - The use of 3D printers to print stainless steel

Holidays and after Easter holidays. Time passes quickly, and today I would like to write only a very short post about Coins. Well, for some time we hear from various more or less different people-oriented information on transferring coins portfolios. Some say they do not need to have a verified account in the project, others that you must have a verified account with others to move the portfolio must coins copper AFFILIATE purchased package. So I came to the conclusion that you need to look for information at the source, and I wrote an e-mail to the company GCC Group. They are written off for quite a while but I am unable to understand this because recently the endless promotion resulted in a lot of new registration and purchases of the already registered person. Recently, the answer came that like all other information from the GCC my mail. 
People who know the Polish language will not have a problem with understanding, but because they run a blog in five jerzykach write here is what is written in the e-mail. Now, information is written in the GCC Group of Companies, with the actions coins is not required to purchase a package AFFILIATE. This package is only required to receive bonuses of the people who bought our 3D package command.

And now a little spice to show you how to print parts made of stainless steel. It is a little more difficult and requires time and proper equipment.
Of course, today it requires a little time and certainly not cheap, but think how many teeth need time to produce such a part of the traditional methods. Do the same mold can take several days. The exact shapes giving it takes a lot of time. 3D printer can do it much faster and more accurately than current methods of creation.

Friday, 14 April 2017

Holidays - Rest of GCC Group and MX V4M;)

It's Friday April 14, 2017 year. It begins the weekend but it was not a random weekend. Precisely now we celebrate the Easter holidays. Today I will not przynudzał and talked about any project or something similar. I would like on behalf of its wish all who read this blog wishes of happiness and health dreams come true during the Easter holidays.
Of course, I would not be me if I had not said that the inscription was made pen 3D 've received from The GCC Group . I turn now to Tuesday, its presence on the Internet and spend time with his family is and I advise all the same.
See you after the holidays.

GCC Group - Quick Summary - basic information about our account


Today I'll be showing how to move around his office after they've registered in the project and activate your account, or simply we will pay the amount due for the package that we purchased during registration.
Today we present one of the tabs in a simple, transparent way to show us what is in our office, or overlap Quick Summary as the name suggests a quick summary.

Now, after logging in to our office opens us to the home page shown below:
  1. You move the mouse over the tab My Office and develops us a menu where you will find many options to choose from. Menu tab itself and its ability to accurately describe in a separate post.  
  2. developed with the option to select Quick Summary . It opens us to the page shown below. 
  3. Cash account that contains all of our earned money from all kinds of bonuses received in the project.
  4. Deposit account or here are the measures that are our property but currently in escrow.
  5. Account PVC - this is the account where we gather together this means no longer points and PVC which entitle us to achieve revenues from different business. From the amount of points depends on our level of SINC ..
  6. On this account you have bought or received by us during the purchase specific package Coiny .
  7. Here you can quickly preview our current level SINC , and after clicking on the icon will get detailed information on this subject.
  8. Here we see points BV that are on our account from the upper legs.
  9. Similarly as above, except that here the points of the lower leg.
  10. In this picture lies in the number of people who registered for the program directly from our referral link.
  11. Another option is the number of people in both our legs with the fact that here are shown all persons invited by both us and I invited by our referrals, as well as those that we invited the person in the structure above us.
  12. Here it is shown on the valuation date one Coina .
  13. In this picture we have the opportunity to learn about special offers, and are equipped with the company through which you can achieve tangible benefits.
  14. This option is not available at the moment so I will describe it separately when you will be able to use it.
  15. Here you can browse our data that show how the level achieved in the binary system. A certain level, of course, entitles us to use more and more levels of our structure.
  16. In this option, we will find courses purchased by us in every package. If you will purchase the lowest package is included in the package we get training on 3D printing. This package does not come to our e-mail on this page has just our panel in the project. Here, too, we can design some interesting things that will be printed in the GCC and we send to us.

This is the first of my posts showing our office in the Project GCC Group . In subsequent posts I will try to present itself more closely My Office tab and then way to install and configure the portfolio and transfer the accumulated Coinów him.
I greet and wish you all a healthy and happy calm of Easter

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

The GCC Group team - join us

Where did the idea for the title of the post? Some time ago I read a couple of books Johna Flanagana under this title, and more recently preparing materials for publication on my blog it occurred to me to compare this has just the book. Whether the comparison is apt assess first of all you who read these books. What is true in the GCC Group today team is far greater than that in the book but Flanagan behavior is quite similar. The project has your boss or John. The team is bigger, but the tasks are divided in exactly the same roles as the crew in the book.
What he writes about what I associated the in August. Maybe it is not needed and necessary knowledge to navigate the world of GCC, but sometimes such detachment to nurzanej for myself and sometimes difficult reading can only bring positive effect;). And why am I even speaking about this drożynie? and well after it's fun that would be that each of us, you tried to create such a his nearest Team which will work so that for some time the power to deliver concrete benefits.
In the second part of this post I want to show how today presents the valuation Coina , and it is something to write about. Well, at the moment when he writes or post April 11, 2017 annual hours 21:54 valuation valuation, we see in his office, is as follows:
The value of one Euro at the time of writing the post is at the NBP 4.1912 PLN . When buying individual packages it looks like this:
  • When buying a package for 38 Euro we obtain 150 coins. It is true that they will be kicked out for us for 90 days, but after counting the current price is 150 Euro coin * 0.232273 = 34.84095 Euro . In this case, the profitability of the purchase yet not quite the best but at least we do not lose a lot longer.
  • When buying a package 138 Euro per obtain 600 coins. It is true that they will be kicked out for us for 90 days, but after counting the current price is 600 Euro coin * 0.232273 = 139.36380 Euro . In this case, it is true but slightly longer go out on the plus side.
  • When buying a package 438 Euro per obtain 600 coins. It is true that they will be kicked out for us for 90 days, but after counting the current price is  2500 Euro coin * 0.232273 = 580.60250 Euro . In this case, the gain begins to be noticeable already.
  • When you buy a package for 1838 Euro 14,000 coins get. It is true that they will be kicked out for us for 90 days, but after counting the current price is 14000 Euro coin * 0.232273 = 3251.82200 Euro . In this case, the profit is growing at an increasing pace.
  • When you buy a package for 2838 Euro 20,000 coins get. It is true that they will be kicked out for us for 90 days, but after counting the current price is  20000 Euro coin * 0.232273 = 4646.46000 Euro . In this case, the profit is growing at an increasing pace.
  • When you buy a package for Euro 6838 we get coins 55000. It is true that they will be kicked out for us for 90 days, but after counting the current price is  55000 Euro coin * 0.232273 = 12775.02000 Euro . In this case, earnings have grown more than 90 days after the Euro 59000.
It can be seen as well at such a low valuation to me is as quick profit resulting from the present value of Coin. Not to mention the added value which are the devices that we purchase in the last four packages.

It was such a short subjective assessment of the value of the currency. It is known that the course it will depend on many values ​​but eventually once a kick out of all the GCC currency, and provide another portal with additional services in which payments will be able to make their coin value will steadily increase. 

Friday, 7 April 2017

Pen 3D GCC Group

Hello Although today the last day of the promotion in the GCC Group I do not want to write about here as I invite you to take action. I want to show what I got yesterday from the GCC Group. More precisely, it made the purchase of a pen 3D.
Includes find:
  1. Pen
  2. Two packs of cartridges for pen
  3. Power supply to the pen,
  4. Set of tools for cleaning the pen when lock contribution to the pen or the scab.
  5. Operating instructions with the template printing glasses.
Sam pen looks pretty inconspicuous and submit it to the following figure:
This device is quite delicate and must be handled very carefully. The mechanism operates on the principle of heating the cartridge is fed to the hole at the top of the pen. The bottom line is that you need to remember to always use before shutting down the pen input located in it to the end. Otherwise, after switching off the material contained in the cartridge dries and you need to clean the pen come alive tools attached to the kit.
As I wrote earlier in the package you get two sets of cartridges which showed above .. Well let's start playing the weekend and since it is even advisable it is to play a little bit.
We get together with a set of manuals in several jerzykach and a template on which to draw pen 3D glasses. To all who would like to have such a toy and maybe even earn a little in the design registrations recommend GCC Group.
I'm talking not only good fun to see what I can come up with this.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

What to do with your account Click Balance

Today, very fast instruction on the use of your account Click Balance . Well, since the errors returned to the paid clicks for the ad appeared open for inspection also named a new account Click Balance which collects half of the paid advertising. ads.
Everyone wonders what these measures will be able to do, and now we know. The following example will show how to use them. 
  1. When you log into our account we find in the panel Advertising account named Cllick Balance. Click the icon BOOST YOUR ADPACK
  2. It shows us a new window below. pressing the button labeled with the number 2 you have the possibility to change and basically complete the calculation of these old parcels purchased before December 2016. 
  3. At this point we are shown the package which still operate under the old rules. In my case is one such package.
  4. After pressing the button appears to us a window as below, which informs us of the success of actions carried out.
  5. In the next step, we go to our main account in the MX World and there we can see by comparing it with the drawing in Section 1 that means we got there the old adpacka settled. With this already we know what to do.
That's all I hope that was briefly but thoroughly and know what's going on.