Recently on my blog basically nothing happens because nothing happens in the programs for which I write on this blog. At
the present time the world took on something that is good
kryptowalutami what currently can earn or lose the most and the
At the moment few people looking at something other than the turnover of electronic currency.
Those shown in the picture above are just some of them.
As if it was not in the GCC, there is a group that is cryptocurrency GCC Coin. At the moment he is worth and who knows what you can buy basically one stock exchange. which unfortunately is not reflected in its price. Well
probably the GCC will never be returned to levels BTC or Dash or other
currencies of the most recognizable, but I hope that some time or 4
years so it will be represented a specific value.
Some argue that the kryptowaluty used mainly for speculation, and
partially they are right because it is one of the most interesting
options of earning on them. But on the other hand, if the earnings on the stock exchanges is not about [arty on the same. I do not quite understand why so this whole campaign against crypto. But maybe I understand. Do
you sometimes not so that certain entities such as banks and other
financial institutions because they feel a threat suddenly excrescence
them serious competitor, which means basically instant transfers money
from one account to another?
And as for the GCC Coin is probably the only reasonable solution in the
current situation is the entrance for more than one stock exchange and
capitalizing on courses. Sorry but in my opinion I do not think now is very profitable to buy goods even in networks operated by the GCC. Well, I like what you buy? At
the present time for the tour if purchased on the portal Travel GCC
costing $ 1000, for example, we would have to pay at the current GCC GCC
would cost some 158,136. I doubt anyone for such a converter bought this trip for GCC Coins. According
to me that our Coins have some value buying their prices should be
formed so more or less in the vicinity of $ 0.30 to 0.50. At that price I described above trip would cost only between 3333 and 2000 Coins. Otherwise it looks. And how many more people would be interested in buying has just using GCC. For this, however, is needed to stabilize the GCC. We can not allow the fact that if the course of our Krypto jump of $ 0.01 is half begins holders to sell it. if we want to achieve something we have to cause such a situation that the demand for our crypto will grow.
We have to base our currency because it is a product that is 3D printing and database portals GCC which is expected to grow. We
ourselves must now earn it, which is that the community has provided
the basis for the development of stable growth in the GCC. For this you need is peace and time, and the latter do not have too much in my opinion.
Encourage the community to collect, therefore, the GCC Coins, and
certainly in the near future, but can not quite near we will have the
joy of our results Coin.