Friday, 30 December 2016

What is the current situation THW Global?

When I started the action in the THW was optimistic that finally found a program that does not require their own contribution to make carbon monoxide poisoning. Start the program was promising. I started to watch movies and to fulfill the condition of five hours watching movies a week is really not devoting more dyzo czau than those established for 5 hours. Unfortunately, that was only at the beginning or by some the first two weeks. After this period the party gradually began to walk slower and more time had to sacrifice would look at the number of hours required. The last three hours have been credited to me in the last week of viewing it was a real nightmare because he reckoned the loans and also devoted to almost 8 hours. You have to note here that not only watching I include this time as well as writing comments that at the beginning I wrote in English, and only at the end of the Polish. At the turn of October and November to watch movies on THW Global has been suspended until further notice. Apparently, as you can learn from Facebook in some countries such as the USA everything works great, but personally I have not checked so I do not know. As of today it is that you can enter your account with just your referral link and there is no longer open for inspection of calculations for the films so far. Recently, a group of Facebook there is information that the charge will be for the year 2016. Today we have 30 so yet less than two days and see what SE happen next. 
Some say that anyone who starts to enter into such undertakings must someday die to something to learn from mistakes. Now, unfortunately, nothing I can do but wait and hope that something will come of it. Checks, however, claim that if you put a little do not count on it, the reach is not known how much.
At the moment when it comes to information about Global THW is my last entry, but if anything changes I will immediately add new posts on a regular basis.

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Completion of the survey recruitment THW Global

The next stage of the action program is THW fill out the questionnaire recruitment. I call it a survey recruitment because of its fulfillment it depends on the ability to watch movies and commenting. Without the fulfillment of this survey we will not be able to watch commercials, and thus will not receive any funds from this account. To access the survey, we must follow the steps shown below
  1. You move to the field Survey Center on the left side of the browser in the user menu of the program.
  2. Then, after the development of the fields, click the command Demographic Survey , through which appears survey.
  3. Then, according to the order written in step 3 fill in a questionnaire, which allows us to be directed advertising films according to our interests and the information provided in the survey. The survey includes 12 questions that will describe below:
    1. The first question is prompted for a gender that is the standard question on the survey specifications.
    2. Another question concerns the century. It has given eight compartments and we must choose the one which currently are located,
    3. Another question concerns our race. A little strange to me, but the developers requested follow-up information to provide what race we belong.
    4. Another question concerns our family situation, and basically if we are in a relationship and if so, what type.
    5. Another fifth have a question about our education. And here, we need to select the appropriate option.
    6. The next question we answer what our household income achieved in the last year of course in US dollars.
    7. And in turn the type of employment in which we currently find ourselves.
    8. I turn the question of the kind of place in which we inhabit.
    9. This question was probably accidentally omitted and immediately move on to question number 10.
    10. Another question concerns the number of persons in the household.
    11. In this question you must specify how many children are in the household. as children are considered persons under 18 years of age
    12. The next question concerns the knowledge of the English language. It is a very useful message because the vast majority of advertising films is emitted has just in English.
    13. And another recent but already very complex question concerning the interest of people who live in our household. 
  4. After the end of the survey we accept it and send button shown in the picture below
  5. After restarting the survey we will receive a message that the already filled the survey and if we want we can fill it again if there are any changes in the data about which I wrote earlier. Here is an image showing the information to fill out the questionnaire.
That would be enough in the topic of the survey. In the next post on the THW Global I will try to tell you what it looks like today and what I personally think about it.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Restart Balance Account

They begin to appear in the World MX change was talking about admin on resetting packages. I must admit that I did not pay attention to the last few days, called because of the holiday period and a desire to spend time with the family and not the front of the monitor. Yesterday I noticed that the number of packages have been reset on my cat. Additional new information on the main account which will present the following figure.
This is the so-called state Restart Balance . For the funds in this account will be able to purchase new advertising packages. Brdzie be because so far there is no such option, and at least I have not found such an option. From what he said Janus is such a possibility will only be after the new year. 
And why only purchases of new packages. This is easily explained if suddenly any number of thousands of people paid even a small contribution to globally did would be the same as the program recently, and again could have problems. Minimizing the number of parcels it was the only right option which made the owner and administrator. 
For now we are waiting for the activation of shopping opportunities from the account Restart Balance and start our work from the beginning with a clean slate

Friday, 23 December 2016

The first input to the program THW Global

Recently I showed how to register with the THW Global. Today we will try to tell you a little bit how the first input to the panel's THW.

When you sign up for the program appears to us the information and a link to enter your system account.This is illustrated in the image below.

Another version of the input is to use the button in the upper right corner of the page. 
Using this button you will be moved to form a logon page. I present him an image below.

  1. At this point, we enter our login from that stated at registration.
  2. Here you give the password provided in the registration form.
  3. Then, if we want to save our data so that the subsequent logons have simplified the task to select the checkbox number 3.
  4. Again select the checkbox in which we state that we are not a robot or a computer script that tries to break into systems of this type.
  5. When we pointed out what interests us is, as usual in such cases the green button Log In entering our panel of THW Global.
Appears us the window shown below:

The window of our panel management program looks more or less like in the picture above. I will discuss specific items in the following posts and at the present moment is the most important. At the top of the page there are two pieces of information on green background:

  1. the first is the welcome message that is in the Message Center tab. This is the message which brings us to the program 
  2. When you hover on the link opens a window will be displayed as above in which we can read information coming from the program. At this point, there is only one information has just so that greets us in the program.
  3. The second is the question of willingness to use the tools to subscribe to the information that will be going on in the program such as the appearance of referrals on your team. As for me, this is a much needed tool because the program does not contact with their users via e-mail, and the inclusion of this information immediately at the start of the web browser in the bottom corner of the computer screen shows us the information that there is any unread mail with THW Global. 
  1. If we accept this notice just press your button and the job's done.
And it would be enough when it comes to the first input to the system THW. In the next post I will try to write something about the fulfillment of the survey, which is needed for this to start work in the program

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Registration THW Global

At this point, I will try to describe a little bit how to register in the program THW Global. In fact, it does not differ from it like any other program of this type, but that was all in one place to turn: At the beginning you have to go to the program. I give, of course, at this point your referral link because if I write about it if you have someone reading this decides to be a member of THW is why I do not use it.
After entering the above link will open in a browser page as shown below:
  1.  after pressing the Register Now opens for us the form shown below

  1.  In this field you give your first name .
  2. Then write your name .
  3. In this field, enter your e-mail,
  4. Here we give a user name you will use to log into our account THW Global.
  5. In this field, enter the password, which we will later use to log on to the user panel.
  6. Here we enter the name of our link which will be able to register in our team, our referrals.
  7. We serve the country we come from.
  8. standard protection against the actions of robots is a checkbox that we have to specify that the registration was successful.
  9. And finally press the button Register and finish registration
After completing the above steps, a window appears below telling us about the successful registration and allows us to enter longer directly into your account in the THW Global. \

This concludes step of registering the program. In the next post I will try to show how the first start-up programs.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

What will be the MX WORLD after January 2, 2017?

Exactly how it will look after the new year?
From what he said yesterday in a video Janus is going to be a new beginning. Well after January 1, all existing packages will be reset. These people have the duration of the chosen it means that they have been inserted or more will have zero account and will be able to begin to build a soy account from scratch with real money paying and paying funds from the payment processors. These people have not had time to select a loaded their funds or have paid them partially receive compensation to the amount inserted in the program of measures. Those who do not yet chosen any of'll get the return of all the money inserted in the program. This return will be reduced by the amount of funds in the account the main program. It is important that the measures you'll get the participants can be allocated only for the purchase of advertising packages. From what he says Janush measures that will find on a specially created account. 
In my opinion this is a kind of compromise between program participants and its owners. None of the people who have invested in the program some measures do not lose on this compromise. It seems that all those who wish may begin again to work in this program. I wrote it already on facebook that I personally think that the admin did all they could to best protect the interests of users and of what the MX WORLD. No other program revenue share has so far not done so much to protect ordinary people from the loss of funds.
When I started back then playing in the MX RevShare I was not really convinced., But now after what they say, and above all, make the owner and admin am today in 100% convinced that the entry in the MX WORLD was one of the best decisions I I made this port. 
So I'm looking forward to the beginning of the next year, and sweaty hands before work that awaits me over the program developed teeth as well. 

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Some information about THW Global

Why write about something today does not work, at least in some countries? A no because this program does it mean THW Global is the second after the MX WORLD in which I am involved. I signed up there in mid-August 2016 that tempted the entrance to the program is not associated with any costs on my part. As described in the program before the start of the earnings that can be achieved in this program is to $ 25 for one hour watching and commenting on videos. During the week, you can see up to 10 hours of video which gives an amount of $ 250 per week. Earnings pretty cool because it gives you a month to $ 100 which is to me a lot. Tempted by such announcements started to register. I went to the link and started my sponsor registrations.
The following is your referral link;)
In this part of my blog in the next posts I will try to tell my adventure with this program and the trials and tribulations that last somewhat today. But one after another starting from registration to all such koromysƂach. In the next post we will record the THW Global 

Sunday, 11 December 2016

New rules of calculations in the MX World

Last not write too often, and it's for this that I do not know too much about what I write. Changes is so much and so quickly introduced, it's hard to fathom and to send these changes. Today, however, I decided to describe one of the changes which seemed to be the most important, namely to change the method of calculations.
Well, does not have a permanent of calculations as to the date, the Calculation depend on how much money a given day will be paid to the program .. The amount of these payments daily is divided into several parts:
  1. 65% wage amount goes to charge for parcels,
  2. 5% of the costs of the company, which are incurred in connection with various activities,
  3. 20% of the fees for the purchase of parcels forwarded sponsors,
  4. 10% of the measures are designed to achieve the parcel of 110% 
It's a massive change in the operation of the company, and although certainly charge at least at the beginning will be smaller this ultimately could happen, that they may be even higher than the previous 2.5%.How gave me a very good change, which will lead to the fact that payments will cover the real money.
Some people ask me via the contact form dale what is not of calculations. frankly I not quite have been able to tell whether it's advice or not because I also thought sometimes that they do not exist and sometimes again something that, however, it appears. Now the information from the admin we already know everything, and I decided to give the information that is already proven.
Future-I think that decision is 100% right and after some time will lead to calm the situation in the program.
If until now had doubts about some of the decisions of James and Janus is the support.
Today is enough. If I knew any other certain information it will share with them on this very blog.

Sunday, 4 December 2016

What the data provided during the verification

As several people have asked me recently about the security of the data which are used to verify the account in the MX WORLD. I decided to share his opinion on the blog on this topic.
Until the end will never be known whether these data have not been stored in any database. You should never have to end trust in such systems. But on the other hand, our evidence is, in principle, the data of which are required of us even while signing contracts with mobile operators, who also accumulate them in their databases. Today's data about us is stored in such large quantities of electronic databases, the probability of obtaining them by unauthorized persons is increasing. Every now and then we hear about attacks, for example, banking systems which are stolen, among other personal data.
What to use the data in a nefarious purposes, for example to credit, of course, can happen, but there are mechanisms to protect themselves and reduce these opportunities to a minimum. One of them is to use the BIK or the Credit Information Bureau. Then any attempt to take credit for both the bank and companies such Provident will be reported and you will be informed about it before anyone will take us a loan or credit. Therefore, before making such a maneuver like to send scans evidence should think about it. I must admit that I personally am not in favor to share your data with anyone, but with the amount of what I have to lose by not making a verification decided to take a chance. Sam, I think that would be enough to verify the scan, for example, a texture, as do other such programs.

Let's hope that the data available to verify will not be used in any other way.
below I've included a link to a website BIK in Poland. each country has the equivalent of a bureau operating on its territory. You may find that the information they require to incur some fees, but it is not so excessive to not take advantage.  

Saturday, 3 December 2016

My opinion about the MX WORLD after changes

I think that for some time there will be major changes in the program so he would like to write a few sentences about how I see what happened lately done. Well, I think that today people who have wanted to enter this program especially those with little means to insert should pause and wait for some time. You have to rethink all aspects of this program and think whether these objectives that we wanted to achieve four are achievable. It is the sovereignty of the decision of each individual. We know that we do not reach at least at the moment that the benefits offered MX still quite recently. As of today, this is another program that proposes revshare charge of 1 per cent to almost all. After what recently happened with the package I purchased from your advertising you can see how much is in fact in the money with these real and how much is just the records on virtual accounts. From what I am aware that most of the parcels were purchased from your advertising so for a good number of people waiting for the return of one pack of 220 days is a sad situation. Those that do not pay the ransom because subscriptions are about 50 packages can wait for the return of even one and a half year.
Operating in this way will lead to the fact that the program will work because the debt will increase the amount of real money, which they put to him all who want to withdraw their money faster. However, looking at the influx of new participants for the last 2 or 3 days can be observed several times drop. So really we do not know exactly how many of theses have already been registered members of the program cease to function. and the account will simply did just a number.
Well, I think that soon, during all these doubts to clarify, or the creator of the program again after some time treats participants to new a sudden and unannounced change.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

A few thoughts of recent changes

Today, a few additional words about the changes in the program. When you purchase the package for $ 5 30 November 2016 the year this morning, ie 1 December 2016. calculation of the pack amounted to 0.05 dollar, or 1%. With such naliczeniach parcel return after 110 days. In fact, it is a calculation as in most programs revshare. You have to say at once that charge, which was so far, that is, 2.5% were very encouraging and some of the larger, which could be obtained in such programs. 

Now a few words, and indeed my own thoughts about subscriptions. I am new to these programs, so you probably do not know, who knows how much on other programs, but from what I know it seems to me that there are no programs revshare that have subscriptions. James clearly told why they have been introduced, namely just to fund the program itself in real money. Well this is one way, and probably those great players who have under him a few dozen, a few hundred or a few thousand referrals easily make those monthly fees, because for them it is not who knows what expense. You probably will not feel even that released some funds. For them, there is a good chance that their expenditure will be covered with woven purchased by their subscriptions.

Smaller participants rather will have a problem because for people like, for example, I have 55 packages and 3 referrals willingness to buy even the smallest subscription is basically expense, which in no way not to return. Well, in my opinion, subscriptions are not a bad output, but you would think about what the maximum number of packages can be given value within these subscriptions have. It seems that maybe the owners want to compel the participants to gain referrals, because if James says that 2020 has to be 1,000,000 them after the operation a little over 75,000 is probably fairly weak result. 
In my humble opinion, it seems that the program begins to do just for people that have a specified amount to the insertion and those little ones rather have him not come.
Just you have to say clearly that such programs need to enter at the beginning of their operation, and preferably after the opinion of people who know on this. When you regain already, although what any products in the program even if something breaks down you should not have to blame anyone because I was on this principle operate such programs. Therefore, people who already are in this industry for a long time do not have a problem with such things, because they know that sooner or later, but such a thing to happen.

I will say it is only one of the rules from the beginning have written about the fact that changes in the program will be implemented according to the needs that will be noticed by the owners. They saw a need and flocks of these changes, which according to them, have announce the collapse of the program. It hurts only the obvious chaos that begins to appear in the program. The changes so quickly and are communicated from day to day, without any notice. Otherwise it will look like if there was such information with, for example, two weeks in advance, so as to give members time to adjust to. On the other hand, such action would provide a greater opportunity to extrude funds from the program and weakening its financial footing. The chaos that is around MX WORLD now is certainly not conducive to the development of the company. Let's hope it calms down and the program will continue to grow well. A slower does not mean it worse. Just longer we wait to achieve the same result and that's all.

Well I hope that, in spite of these changes, however, the program will survive, and after some time, further changes will be only for good.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Again, changes, and this time, unfortunately, is not well

At the beginning terribly sorry for the fact that only now I write something about recent events, but frankly I myself am a little shocked as I read the information to the owner and admin of the program, and for most participants are not dobre.A today it looks like this:
  1. Monday 28 was the last day to purchase packages of advertising budget. So if you did not have adequate resources to the package, it was necessary to transfer enough funds from your main account to be able to purchase the package and have your account advertising budget 0.
  2. All active promotional packages that were purchased from the advertising budget will continue to work to 110% only that slower.
  3. Account advertising budget will clean the balance of advertising for companies, marketers, entrepreneurs and other users who wish to purchase a permanent banners, text ads, PTC, advertising logins, advertising logout (as they are so far), you can no longer buy it packs so far. Members may receive commissions from the budget for 3 levels of 10% | 5% | $ 5, but it will be money spent on advertising as above and not promotional packages.
  4. It will still be in force in the distribution of profits of 1.25% which will go to the principal balance, such as by 13 months. It will be increased to 2% for the subscription brown-SILVER-GOLD members and 2.5% daily for subscription MILLIONAIRE
  5. Promotional packages will ripen more slowly. It is a natural process when you want the air from the balloon was considered slow.
  6. As of December 1, we will present 5 levels of membership within each currency portfolio, as we present three advertising platforms MX (software revenue share) in MX.WORLD. namely:
    1. Currency dollars - Active adpacki: $ 5 / $ 25 / $ 50
      1. Free membership - active adpacki 10/15/25 | commission of 3% / 1% / 1% | 1% profit sharing | payment of $ 25 / day | Cost $ 0 per month.
      2. Bronze - active adpacki 100/150/200 | commission of 4% / 2% / 2% | 2% profit sharing | payment of $ 75 / day | Cost $ 25 per month
      3. Silver - active adpacki 150/200/500 | commission of 5% / 3% / 3% | 2% profit sharing | payment of $ 150 / day | Cost $ 50 per month.
      4. Gold - active adpacki 150/250/1000 | commission of 6% / 4% / 4% | 2% profit sharing | payment of $ 200 / day | Cost $ 75 per month.
      5. Millionaire - active adpacki 150/250/1500 | commission of 10% / 5% / 5% | 2.5% profit-sharing | payment of $ 350 / day | It costs $ 150 per month.
    2. Currency EURO - Active adpacki: 5/10/15/25/50
      1. Free membership - active adpacki 5/10/15/25/50 | commission of 3% / 1% / 1% | 1% profit sharing | payment of 25 € / day | Cost € 0 per month.
      2. Bronze - active adpacki 50/100/200/250/500 | commission of 4% / 2% / 2% | 2% profit sharing | payment of 75 € / day | cost 25 € per month
      3. Silver - active adpacki 100/150/200/500/750 | commission of 5% / 3% / 3% | 2% profit sharing | payment of 150 € / day | It costs 50 € per month.
      4. Gold - active adpacki 100/150/250/1000/1500 | commission of 6% / 4% / 4% | 2% profit sharing | payment of 200 € day | It costs 75 € per month.
      5. Millionaire - active adpacki 100/150/250/1500/2000 | commission of 10% / 5% / 5% | 2.5% profit-sharing | payment of 350 € / day | Cost € 150 per month.
    3. Currency Bitcoin - Active adpacki:
      1. Free membership - active BTC adpacki 5/10/15/25/50 | commission of 3% / 1% / 1% | 1% profit sharing | payout B 0.035 / day | Cost B0 per month.
      2. Bronze - active BTC adpacki 50/100/200/250/500 | commission of 4% / 2% / 2% | 2% profit sharing | payout B 0.10 / day | B0.03 cost per month
      3. Silver - active BTC adpacki 100/150/200/500/750 | commission of 5% / 3% / 3% | 2% profit sharing | payout B 0.20 / day | B0.06 cost per month.
      4. Gold - active BTC adpacki 100/150/250/1000/1500 | commission of 6% / 4% / 4% | 2% profit sharing | payout B 0.30 days | B0.1 Cost per month.
      5. Millionaire - active BTC adpacki 100/150/250/1500/2000 | commission of 10% / 5% / 5% | 2.5% profit-sharing | payout B 0.50 / day | B0.2 Cost per month.
    Important: Members pay their membership with real money, like paying for your personal verification (real measures that will affect help ensure business entity until 2020 and longer) after each payment of the subscription period is one month from the moment of its activation. These are individual (voluntary) payments without any subscription. If you do not extend your subscription will be limited to the level of the free. 
  7. The sponsor earns a 10% commission from the referral for an extension of the level registered membership, this amount goes to the account AMBASSADOR where it can be paid daily. I note the account ambassador there are no restrictions on withdrawals commission.
  8. Our goal is to get more realistic measures for our advertising, our resources (Generizer start in December, as well as our other tools), our MX Games (early next year) and profit sharing with verified users to 2.5% on account root (in depending on the level of membership), not like the previous 1.25% master account plus $ 1.25 on account advertising budget.
  9. Daily distribution of profits from the primary account can be paid once a day, 7 days a week (Monday - Sunday) 24 hours a day.
  10. From Monday 28 November to 3 days, for reasons of safety and treatment of crooks, along with the implementation of new scripts at all wage levels, the maximum payout will be reduced to $ 50 per day, only for 3 days!
  11. From Thursday, December 1, the maximum daily payout will be increased to $ 1100 by aggregating all portfolios together USD, EUR, Bitcoin, or $ 350 usd, eur $ 350 (average $ 375) and 0.500BTC (approximately $ 375). We do this because of the long-term stability MX.WORLD and it is certainly a thing that they do the most stable companies revshare. Later I can always accept and increase the limit daily withdrawals, but in the beginning let us make advertising platform MX, profitable for the company - long-term.
  12. There will be more Bonus ambassador from November 28. This is what we tried and it worked successfully. This will be implemented again or replaced by a new bonus next year.
  13. Daily payments in Bitcoin will begin on 1 January 2017 years to allow the company to build reserves.
At present the most important information, and which are so shocking. Out therefore that having a free account is the 55 parcels that have currently only 10 I'll be working. After the expiry of each package will start to work another of those that I have been. From this it comes out that the returns will be lengthened at least twice. 
Another information from facebook because I read that the charge for parcels bought from the advertising budget will be even smaller because it will amount to 0.5%. If this is true then even more lengthen the phrases because frankly those smaller players, most packages bought from the advertising budget.
The changes certainly should be, but is transmitted in such a way that people who nevertheless give in some way to earn the creators of the program? I basically am a beginner in this business, and probably a lot I have to learn to know how in such programs proceed. In fact, if you do not put too dyzo, in fact almost none in this program.
We'll see how it will continue spinning and whether these changes does not lead to the closure of the program, or to a significant decline in its members.
Well today is enough and I hope that the program gone further because I do not want this to be the last or one of the last entries on this blog

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

It is verification time

Today I would like to tell a few words about something what it looked like for a long time. Even the end of the holiday was spoken that the developers will want to verify the account holders in the current MX World. Verify that is see if there is people that assume a lot of accounts at its branches and thus have higher incomes and act contrary to the rules. Today, there was this very moment in which you have to undergo a check by the external.
Those who do not will not be able to be active members of the community MX WORLD. It is true that in the beginning was spoken that the verification would be needed only for the payment of funds from the program, but yesterday changed. Without verification can not be:
  • pay money
  • receive shares in the revenues of the company,
  • receive commissions,
  • receive bonuses from the account ambassador,
  • receive bonuses of Cashlinks,
  • watch of paid advertising PTC
So how to verify? Below you try to introduce a tuple instructions on how to do it.
  1. After opening our account MX WORLD in the upper right corner of the screen are our data, and if someone has already submitted this picture. You move the mouse on it and develops panel as below. Click Options EDIT PROFILE.
  2. Another window appears as shown below. In box 1, select the processor from which you want to transfer the amount of $ 5 or 5 euros. There we probably five different processors so certainly everyone will find something that suits him.
  3. Then click on the orange button and move on.
  4. Another window appears showing information about the amount of that cost pour which takes a given processor, and the total cost of operations. In the picture located below illustrates the point 4.
  5. If we agree with what has been shown to press the button marked with the number 5.
  6. If something went wrong at this point we can by using the BACK button to return to the previous window.
After accepting the transaction and pressing the button will be moved to the appropriate payment processor, in my case it is Payza.
I will not describe the method of payment in each of the processors can vary a little With me shows up start window Payza and further executes longer payment processor
The first stage of verification is over. Time for a second part. And here Repeat step 1 and thus in the upper right corner of the screen, click Options EDIT PROFILE.
  1. Will open the window shown below. In step 7 appears the information about to add scans or photo ID card, passport, driving license or other document confirming our identity. Monza is done in the following formats: jpeg, jpg, png, tiff. The file size can not exceed 2 MB.
  1. In this field we load the front page of the document of identity.
  2. Successively in this field, we load the other side of our identity document
  3. If everything is OK, press the button CHECK .
  4. If something we do not like, we can reset the loaded files and start again.
  5. When you click on one of the two windows which give scans your identity documentary opens a window shown below 
  6. In the window that opens, select the interesting image file or scan a document.
  7. After loading both sides of a document punish us the image below. In order to protect personal data information has been blurred. If everything is OK, press the button CHECK and we are waiting for verification
  8. Gives us another window where you can see that the script analyzing our data on the attached document. This may take some time. This process can be seen in the figure below.
  9. In the window that appears also that the information sent by the documents that we will not be stored in any database.
  10. I've been at the very end when everything goes well, the following message appears, which informs us about the correctness verification. Shows him the picture below
  11. Below this information there are data downloaded from our identity document
  12. Further additional information about the document type and number.
  13. And the most important information, namely that the verification has been fully completed.
  14. If this does not happen, we can press the button which is located in position 21 and again send our identity document for verification. Please note that the payment of the fee which I wrote about at the beginning of the verification can be carried out three times. If it fails to process payment will have to be repeated.
And that's it. I will say honestly that I had with this in principle, no problem. maybe except one, namely that I hung from my browser and had to refresh. but the fault of the computer side lay.
Now, you can work in peace and enjoy the daily benefits.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Tab Ads Management

Today, a little further on the topics in the menu Advertising or bookmark Ads Management . after the development of v top menu bar appears I mentioned later, and which is shown in the picture below.
  1. Click the command Ads Management and opens a browser window with information about banners and other opportunities to advertise their businesses. Moza here to advertise your websites, both free of charge and in various forms. The following picture shows the appearance of the panel manager Ads Management .
  1. It appears here eight panels, which in turn will try to describe below. For beginners or those who do not want to engage financial resources will be important only panels 2, 5, 3. But after the turn. It is important that after the registration to purchase any pack that you need to add a Millionaire Ads .
    1. Menage Ads or ad management. when you press this button, you can add credit to existing ads. You can also delete the ads that we already do not correspond,
    2. Add New ADS is a place where we add new advertising Millionaire. Adding a new ad, I will discuss in a separate post,
    3. Buy Adpacks , it gives you the opportunity to purchase another parcel
    4. Buy Credits can be here to buy credits that will serve us to display our ads Ads Millionaire. 
  1. another panel shown below is for purchasing paid advertising, or those for whom watching members of the MX WORLD receive wages so-called PTC advertising. This panel is shown below:
    1. Menage PTC Ads or ad management. PTC when you press this button, you can add credit to existing ads lu subtract them. You can also delete the ads that we already do not correspond,
    2. Add PTC ADS is a place where we add new advertising PTC.
  1. Next panel to Login Ads are paid advertisements showing up for all users when they log that is these ads that we see after logging in to our account in MX. Below the graphical appearance of the panel:
    1. Menage Login Ads  or ad management. Logującymi when you press this button, you can manage your ads, and most of all, to determine how much money will be used for the display of this ad and for how long
    2. Add Login ADS  is a place where we add new ads Login.
  1. The next panel is  Banner Ads  are ads in the form of a banner showing to all users in various places on the site, not just watching the forced advertising that will allow us to receive daily charge. Here is an image showing the panel:
    1. Menage Banners  or management of advertising in the form of banner. when you press this button, you can add credit to existing ads. You can also remove those banners which we already do not correspond,
    2. Add Banners  is a place where we add new advertising in the form of banner. 
    3. Buy Adpacks , it gives you the opportunity to purchase another parcel
  1. The next panel is Time Fixed Banner Ads  are ads in the form of a banner showing to all users in different locations service for which to show the user must pay
    1. Menage Ads  which manage the ads in the form of banner. when you press this button, you can add a period of displaying the banner to existing ads. You can also remove those banners which we already do not correspond,
    2. Add New Ads  is a place where we add new advertising in the form of banner. 
  1. The next panel is  Video Logaut Ads  are ads in the form of a video showing how the name suggests when you log out of the program. They are also paid, and the panel shows as below.
    1. Menage Ads  which manage the ads in the form of video. when you press this button, you can add a period of displaying the banner to existing ads. You can also delete the video, which we already do not correspond,
    2. Add New Ads  is where add new ads in the form of video. 
  1. The next panel is the  Text Ads  are ads in the form of text or simply telling a link to a web page. DziaƂak on the same principle as Banner Ads  only without the use of graphics "
    1. Menage Textads  or manage the ads in text form. when you press this button, you can add credit to existing ads. You can also remove those banners which we already do not correspond,
    2. Add Textads  is where we add new ads in text form. 
    3. Buy Adpacks , it gives you the opportunity to purchase another parcel
  1. The next panel is  Time Fixed Text Ads  are ads in the form of tejstu showing to all users in different locations service for which to show the user must pay
    1. Menage Textads  or manage the ads in text form. when you press this button, you can add a period of display text to existing ads. You can also delete the ads that we already do not correspond,
    2. Add Textads  is where we add new ads in text form. 
This part of the tab Adwertising already roughly described. Some of the functionality I described in more detail in subsequent posts, or when they will be necessary for the proper operation of the program. I must admit that I've never written a post as long as this. Maybe because you need to check before describing each function, or to reach a good description, and it was hard. I hope that nothing messed up, but that something was wrong I invite you to comment and show errors ..

Tuesday, 15 November 2016


Today I'll discuss individual tabs in the program MX WORLD , and start from the bookmark Adwertising , which contains most of the features of the old site MXRevShare .. Well, when you hover over the tab is growing menu shown below.
  1. Clicking on Adwertising Panel go to program information. After opening the page in the browser appears to us the following view

Due to the large amount of information contained in the above above view it presents them at points marked in the picture and will group into categories.
  1. Panel showing the charge contains a lot more information, and this is due to the fact that in addition DOLLARS added the ability to purchase packages in EURO and BTC. In the larger segment is shown in the following picture
You can see here the division into three sections, namely:
  • funds in the account the main program - here there are measures which deposit a payment processor and a half day of calculations, as well as commissions from the referrals who purchase the package.
  • funds in the account the main program - here there are funds from the second half of the day of calculations as well as click on paid advertisements PTC.
  • funds in cat called Ambassador - here we are in charge when you collect the appropriate number of packages of all kinds. For example, for 100 parcels in denominations of $ 5 a day we get to that account 0.50 dollar. Detailed calculation of the account ambassador can be found under Money
  1. Information panel about the state of clicks on a given day, as shown below:
    They are shown in the following information:
    1. the number of clicks on a given day,
    2. number of clicks yesterday,
    3.  button for viewing ads
    4. button to purchase a new package,
    5. button for viewing paid ads PTC.
  1. Generally speaking, here are naliczeniach information from referrals and referrals themselves. the exact appearance of the panel is shown below.
    They are shown in the following information:
    1. link through which we can recommend the program,
    2. charge of referrals in DOLLARS,
    3. charge of referrals in EURO
    4. charge of referrals in BTC,
    5. the number of referrals,
    6. banners, ie the side of recommendation and pictures so that we can advertise MX WORLD in other programs,
    7. They are also to information about referrals,
    8. the history of our packages, and exactly the last 7 days.
  1. Another panel which contains information about the status of packages that gather on the day shown in the following picture: 
    Here you will find information about the number of packages in the value of available currencies.With this panel, we can also buy a new pack and get possession of the advertising packages for additional information.
  1. This panel is a typical list of people who have already reached the maximum ceiling Pacek of the denomination.

  1. The penultimate panel already contains information on the flow of funds that have been paid paid and which are traded

    1. information about the measures that have been paid into the program,
    2. Information about paid measures from the program,
    3. information on the amount of turnover which was made in the program,
    Of course, all this information is provided in the currencies in which we can purchase the package.
  1. Last longer panel that shows us the number of loans that we have in your account. Loans are used to advertise other programs in which we participate in the program MX WORLD. Below the picture of the panel:
    1. Loans available for text and banners,
    2. Millionaire Ads loans,
    3. Adding ad - this brings to the panel as ad management.
In short, the panel discussed Advertising, which apparently has a lot of features. From this tab, you can get basically everything that concerns our program revshare. Today is enough. Feel free to read and review or comment.