In a recent post on GCC Group described the money by standard business or purchase and use of 3D printers. The theme is as clear and very similar to the traditional form of zaklaskania business.
In today's post I would like a shock for something completely different barrel namely kryptowalucie called GCC Coin . But from the beginning what is cryptocurrency?
What are cryptocurrency ? Changes in the means of payment, very well reflect the very rapid pace of development of our civilization. Even 110 years ago, the system binding the value of money to gold was considered the only acceptable solution, and even the most daring futurists could not foresee the creation of something like cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency are very interesting idea, which to function, however, requires specific solutions. They became available with the popularization of the Internet and the development of techniques for protecting computer data.
One of the milestones step was to develop an algorithm that allows the secure transmission of numerical data and their controlled change. This process was made possible in 1983 thanks to the work computer and cryptographer David Chaum . Today, the idea to Chaum is used as part of Bitcoin and similar systems cryptocurrency. Virtual coins are marking identifying the sender's address and the transfer, so it is not possible double transfer of funds from the same pool (ie. Double spending).
In August of 2008. Three computer scientists interested in the security of computer networks (Neal King, Vladimir Oksman, Charles Bry), reported an application for patenting solutions similar to those used by the system bitcoin.
According to many people, three of the specialists mentioned are the true originators of the most popular cryptocurrency. It is interesting that it was King, Oksman and Bry in August 2008. Registered domain. A month later, the global network began to circulate a manifesto, in which the surfer hiding under the nickname Satoshi Nakamoto outlined the principles of Bitcoin.
Interesting fact: Alleged originator Bitcoin (King, Oksman and Bry) deny any connection with the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto. Therefore, the identity of the person or group that developed the first cryptocurrency, still remains a mystery. Recently, an Australian computer scientist Craig Steven Wright, tried to convince the public that he is the creator and originator of Bitcoin.
In May of 2010. Bitcoiny bought pizza for now worth millions of dollars
From a practical point of view, the answer to the question what are cryptocurrency gives the story starting in January 2009. Then you have "unearthed" the first bitcoiny and enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto sent trial transfer to the computer Hal Finney. In October of 2009. Bitcoin was first priced against the US dollar. USD / BTC estimated mainly on the basis of the cost of current needed to "dig" the individual virtual currency. The next stage in the history of Bitcoin and the overall market cryptocurrency was the establishment of the first stock exchange website (dwdollar). This site launched in February 2010, but is no longer available to buyers.
Even more important for the development of cryptocurrency, was the first purchase made with bitcoiny. In May of 2010. Programmer from Florida, Laszlo Hanecz paid an English enthusiast cryptocurrency sum of 10,000 bitcoins that after the exchange has been earmarked for the purchase of two pizzas. Exchange funds denominated in bitcoinach was necessary because the shops and services in 2010. Does not accept direct payments cryptocurrency.
Interesting fact: the curious is that, since the two pizzas purchased in 2010, was paid the equivalent of 10,000 Bitcoin is valuing them today, these pizzas were worth to 10000 x 4200 zł approximately or about 42,000,000th There is no secret probably the most expensive pizza in the world. not accept direct payments cryptocurrency.
What are cryptocurrency today? Over the years, the concept of Bitcoin gained more and more popularity and began to inspire other artists cryptocurrency (examples: litecoin, polcoin). Next kryptowalutowym important events in the calendar are:
- Hacker attack resulting in rapid loss of value by Bitcoin and subsequent strengthening security (August 2010).
- Achieving parity value (1 BTC = 1 USD) between Bitcoin (BTC) and the US dollar (February 2011).
- Exceeding the Bitcoin market value of US $ 100 (April 2013).
- The letter then head of the Fed's Ben Bernanke, who positively assessed the concept of Bitcoin, and through his public opinion has increased the exchange rate of 1 BTC to $ 700 (November 2013).
- Bankruptcy leading Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox, which a year earlier controlled 70% of the turnover Bitcoin (February 2014).
- Start accepting payments in bitcoinach by Microsoft (December 2014).
Microsoft's decision, which accepted bitcoiny as a new means of payment has become a signal for many other global brands. Nowadays it is hard to imagine that the concept cryptocurrency may suddenly be abandoned or lose popularity.
Therefore, governments and public institutions need to change their approach to "crypts". In countries considered as developed cryptocurrency are treated as legal tender (eg Germany) or at least accepted without any legal sanction for their owners (Poland) .On day PLN exchange Bitcoiny we make among other things, the well-known discount stores namely frog.
So now what is the GCC Coin?
Cryptocurrency, ie. Coin GCC gives you endless possibilities of potential profits. As of today, there is a possibility of its purchase in packages (coiny GCC) and to receive when you buy the starter pack 3D and any other packages 3D (the GCC coin when buying packages 3D described in one of my previous posts
here at the moment somewhere in the beginning of March 2017 the company provides promotion and the purchase of any package 3D will get free of charge 50 % coinów designed for the package),
in a short time coiny will be mine (wallets external appear with the entry GCC IPO as planned thi today in keietniu of current year) or buy service distribution.
At the moment the current value of 1 Coin GCC is calculated as Euro 0.10 Euro
Before the Public Issue (official estimated date: was in September 2017, will certainly be faster - coming soon) the value of the GCC will be EUR 0.90.
Certainly some people will depend GCC exclusively coinach , or kryptowalucie, then the registration will be most convenient to buy the cheapest starter pack for 38 € and then in the middle of the longer you can buy yourself the packages coinów (Extra Coins: they are different offers, the cheapest from 8 €. with estimated growth of coinów can be a very interesting option earnings. We are dealing here with earning a so-called spreads or the difference in exchange rates.
An additional possibility is that the gathering now coiny after the IPO will be able to throw on the external wallets and start digging , increasing a number of them.
GCC is based on a hybrid system, proof-of-work / proof-of-stake. By reducing the time to verify each transaction to 60 seconds, the GCC may be considered as a means of payment.
Project development Ecosystem24 is another factor who will create the possibility of issuing the cryptocurrency directly on the shop; in restaurants, airlines, payments in hotels, and soon also bets sports or purchase of equipment for 3D printing and purchase of the same models and equipment printed in 3D service points around the world.
GCC can be stored in many ways, and these are
- Special software on your computer, or digital wallet.
- Mobile version of the portfolio on the smartphone.
- The online version of the portfolio, which you can access from any device connected to the Internet.
- Sheet of paper. Each GCC code can be printed and stored like conventional money.
GCC can be stored for as long as you want. With the ever increasing value of GCC and developing Ekosystemu24 thereby making can be a really interesting opportunity to increase income opportunities!
The panel is already panel also exchange GCC GCC through which transfer can be easily make payments among other members of the GCC. You can sell your GCC and replace traditional money.
One of the latest news is that the target number of released Coinów is expected to reach 2.5 billion. This is a lot of it than expected at the beginning of 24 billion. This is due to conversations with the owner of the GCC stock market which is likely to come in April currency. founding owners are the teeth GCC coin currency was stable or increased steadily. profit in this field is dependent on the stock market can not be predicted at 100% as it will look. Rather, it is certain is that to achieve the benefits of this method will have to wait longer. Looking at the present value of Bitcoin developed almost a decade. There is also count on it that the new cryptocurrency reaches its predecessor because that is something they do not want owners. Cause that it could raise the price of 3D printing and that if it was not the main business of the company.
While writing this post to a large extent relied on the information contained in the presentation shared by GCC groups. But I used also with the help of several websites that try to give below: programs-cryptocurrency / gcc-coin /