Thursday, 31 August 2017

How to buy Coin GCC stock market NovaExchange?

So far the operation and showed the possibilities that gives us GCC Group company. One of them, and probably one of the most interesting is cryptocurrency GCC Coin. Monza get it by purchasing the appropriate package for the GCC Group. But being objective and wanting to give a true and fair information do I need to mention here that this is not the only source of obtaining the GCC. Behold, today ie 08.31.2017 year there is a possibility and it is more convenient conditions for the purchase of currency on the exchange cryptocurrency. It is the exchange called NovaExchange . And how to do it will show in this post.

When you click on this link to enter the stock exchange website. I will not describe the registration process on the stock market because it is a lot of guides how to do it. However, to be able to benefit from the stock market you have to register first. Below the login window:

  1. Opening the page via the above link in the upper right corner of the box, click Sign In to sign in.
  2. This option is used to register a new account in case someone did not have it.
  3. Here we give a user name or e-mail. I personally I give an email address because it is easier to remember.
  4. Here write your password.
  5. We must select the checkbox to convince the system that we're not a robot.
  6. When accidentally forget our password is here, we can reset it.
  7. Click the login and go to the next step.

  1. This is another phase of our so-called login confirmation Google authentication. This is an additional protection that I recommend every user portals which kept some cash. After download on your cell phone applications from the store under the name Google Authenticator and turn on this option in the settings before each signing and execution of major operations such as the payment of an additional stock exchange will need to enter the appropriate code from the phone that we generate above-mentioned program. These applications can be downloaded in the appropriate stores dedicated operating systems: iOS, Windows, Android. After running the application on the phone you must enter the code that is assigned to the exchange NovaExchange. 
  2. If you want to withdraw from this log, press the button.
  3. Clicking this button will confirm our code and log into our account on the stock exchange. This is illustrated in the following figure.

  1. Using these two commands go to buy our GCC coin. Up to a point a little they differ primarily graphically. After clicking on the tab Coins & Markets opens us to a window in which icons appear cryptocurrency individual. We have to find our GCC coin and press the Open Market. I personally come alive this second process and open the tab Wallets , 
  2. After the development click on Balances and move on to the next page as shown below.
  1. Page appears just like the method described in item 11 listing all cryptocurrency served by the exchange. After typing in the search box the name of our GCC coin will appear exactly like the picture above.
  2. Click on the name of our kryptocurency.

  1. When you expand the list to select the currency by which we want to make a purchase. In my case it will be the BTC. From that moment on, both given ways to buy longer look the same.

  1. At this point, we have shown the value of the currency for which you want to buy our GCC coin. In my case this is the BTC. If you want Kopic for everything to click in the box and the rest of the fields will be automatically filled.
  2. If you want to buy a certain number of our kryptocurency it served it in this field.
  3. In this field we have the value of one coin per GCC currency by which we buy. In this case, one of the GCC is worth 0.00000208 BTC.
  4. here shows us how much we spend in my case for BTC coins that we want to buy.
  5. In this field, the value shown will collect a commission which NovaExchange for the transaction.
  6. when everything is already set to press the Buy GCC and make a purchase. When pressed, a window appears to us informing us about the transaction is successful. We close it, and the purchase is completed. you have to note here that the purchase especially for larger quantities can be divided into installments. It may turn out that the amount proposed by us is available only part of the GCC. In this case, we just have to wait for someone to issue the GCC for the right amount so that the transaction to be completed. 
  7. In the case described above, our order for the missing quantity of GCC appears in box 22 and will be there waiting until someone decides to sell it for this amount which we suggested. After the transaction, our offer will disappear from the register.
  8. At the last stage of our GCC appears on the other side of the field by which you can sell the currency.
This topic is enough. In the next post I will try to describe how to pass our accumulated GCC stock market to our portfolio.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Start Video4Money - new installment - how to recover the funds on the old V4M

In a recent post on V4M I said that the star of the new version of the draft is scheduled for August 15 this year. He passed 15 and in principle, nothing happened because frankly I did not think about the need to be the new record to the project in which I already like. 
Today, the Group FB post V4M appeared person whom I consider one of the two who know about this project in my opinion the most and not what the balloon pump it all just sensational honestly tell the truth, such as it is.
The project for a renewed need to register again.
Well I know that most of you probably will not have the slightest desire to re-entering into this business, but I decided the try again. The more information that you can read on FB that you can withdraw funds accumulated on the old account V4M need to register again.
Now we'll begin.
Well, to make a registration is necessary to obtain a registration link from the person who recommended you for this project. 
When you press this link will we remembered the registration window shown below:
  1. In this field, we give the name of the user. It should be noted that at this point you have to give strings composed exclusively of letters without numbers.
  2. Here we give our slogan which we will use to login to V4M.
  3. Here we repeat previously typed password.
  4. In this box, select the sex or whether we are the Lord or Lady.
  5. Now its time to fill our data, and we start from the name.
  6. Then we gave the name.
  7. Then our address starting with the street and house number.
  8. In the next two fields we give the first zip code, and then the city corresponding to this code.
  9. In the next field we give our date of birth.
  10. Then e-mail address to which we receive our login details.
  11. The next field is to determine the minimum number of messages that will be delivered to our daily email.
  12. The next field is typically important information and says the number of advertisers who will put their advertising on V4M.
  13. In the next stage from among the available categories to select the ones that interest us and from which we receive our news V4M.
  14. Another point is the acceptance of the Rules.
  15. The last step is to register by pressing a button on the bottom of the registration form, 
The next step is having a look at your inbox website and find messages from V4M. . For me, the message was just in the SPAM folder. 

  1. At this point in the message we have given our login or who have received a number 
  2. Here we have a password that we gave in the registration form.
  3. Link given below is used to go to the login page.
Clicking the link from the e-mail messages will show yourself to us the page shown below

  1. To log in to this place, we enter our identifier obtained by e-mail.
  2. We served consecutively password
  3. The next step is to press the login button.
  4. At this point, after opening the registration link provided in the email we receive information from our registration was successful.
Basically, we are registered.

Now, in order to send information on the support of a request to transfer funds accumulated on the old version V4M proceed as follows:

  1. In order to transfer funds from the old version V4M please send a message to Support, or click on the place indicated by the arrow. We see a window like below.

  1. Here we give our name
  2. Here we give our new ID by e-mail we received during registration
  3. In this field, enter your e-mail address.
  4. In the last box, we give the data for the transfer that is:
    1. first name and last name,
    2. the old ID number
    3. a new ID number
    4. e-mail adress..
I will add only that if we want to recover the funds that we had on the old version V4M it must perform this step to 31/08/2017. after this period, this operation will be impossible.

Well I entered the information, which can be found on FB except that with the help of pictures and instructions for registration. Does anyone benefit from that it depends only on you. I personally do not know yet whether I will continue to work in V4M. We'll see what punish the company. However, for ordering blog provides information again because something begins to happen.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

End of the holiday - time to start work

For a long time rarely writes new posts and that's because essentially you have not been, to write about. Maybe, because the holiday, and perhaps for other reasons, in principle, in our little GCC it happened. But now approaching the end of the holiday we should all start to increased work on this to develop our project. Our writes, because it's not only the design of John , but each one of those people who at the moment are part of it.  
After watching videos describing a visit to the John Our leaders. I must admit that a lot has to change, and many imperceptible changes already introduced, resulting among other things, a nice increase in mining Coin.
New products to be launched from September. The company is constantly working on its products and the assumed schedule, I think that in 2018 it could already look pretty cool. At this point they will not be told what it is to be, but I will try to keep informed about new products
Unfortunately, some communities have lost a little motivation to act by observing the value of Coin, but it seems to me that this is not the most important thing in this coin. Of course, good will, if our cryptocurrency will have a high value and you can actually buy it for specific products. Looking at what is happening in the market today it's not wonder that people first of all assess the value of your company Coin.
I do not think, however, is the most important and future-oriented field of activity GCC Group. I personally am convinced that the main benefit will be for all of us in the future SINC. It was he who we will generate tangible financial benefits. At present, unfortunately, a lot of people at least I noticed that in general do not think about it, to accumulate points PVC. They say that this is not at the moment any advantage it, why do it? I think that we can not today not tomorrow, not for the quarter, but sooner or later ECOSYSTEM24 will bring us a lot of satisfaction, and our in the head, from which part of this tool we can use.
I personally I will try all the time to attract new partners to the project because I see potential in him. Sam can also gave up on vacation a little, but sharply from September get down to work.

What to Coins it as far as possible I will try to gather as many as possible, so as to have a supply of safe and have the opportunity that I will soon make use of them. I'm not saying at this point about selling, because honestly say that I do not want to follow all the time coins exchanges and flip from one to the other. I'm talking about normal shopping, it seems to me that at some point will be available on a large scale.

There is nothing else to keep our fingers crossed for the company and the employed people realized that everything as promise. And the best way to help is to find new partners.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Passing Coins in the "deposit" to GCC Group

In one of the previous posts I informed about the possibility of the "Deposit" coins that we have on their portfolios into a special account prepared by the GCC. But then there was only mentioned powiedzianych specifics of this possibility. Today there are specifics of this project. 
Well, not everyone will be able to make such deposit. To do this due in the period from  24.04.2017 r. 09.09.2017 r. To meet the following conditions.
    The number of points required PVC
    Guaranteed percent Mintingu
    to be able to use this option you need to get at least 84 points PVC, for example, or in the period from 24/04/2017 to 09/09/2017 sell your direct mail package 5 for 38 Euro. Of course, if we can gain referrals who buy larger package then we will have to get their correspondingly less. The idea is to get a total of 84 points PVC.
    to be able to use this option you need to get at least 108 points PVC, for example, or in the period from 04/24/2017 to 09/09/2017 to sell its direct mail packages 6 for 38 Euro Of course, if we can gain referrals who buy larger package then we will have them get correspondingly less. The idea is to get a total of 108 points PVC.
    to be able to use this option you need to get at least 168 points PVC, for example, or in the period from 24/04/2017 to 09/09/2017 to sell its 10 direct mail package for 38 Euro Of course, if we can gain referrals who buy larger package then we will have them get correspondingly less. The idea is to get a total of 168 points PVC.
    to be able to use this option you need to get at least 418 points PVC, for example, or in the period from 24/04/2017 to 09/09/2017 to sell its direct mail packages for 2 438 EUR Of course, if we manage to win referrals who buy larger package then we will have them get correspondingly less. The idea is to get a total of 168 points PVC.
And as PVC see how many points already gained in this period described below. Upon entering our GCC and the transition to a summary of the tab there is a new opportunity which I mentioned in the following figure
after clicking on the check box opens to us the page on which we can find more information on how to donate our coins in the "deposit" to the GCC.

  1. Here it is shown how much the moment I have PVC points
  2. Here we are shown what level of return will reach beyond the next level. In my case, after crossing 84 points profit will amount to 24%
  3. Here they are shown the data about how much I miss PVC points to achieve a specified return.
  4. Here we are described all the opportunities we have available. described in the table above.
On the side there is also information that in subsequent years up to 2022 will also be able to use this tool, but rather the conditions will be in each of the years mentioned separately. We see here to encourage people to promote the GCC as the size of our recovery depends on how much thanks to our new packages will be sold by the GCC.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Glossary Console tab GCC wallet

Today promised in my last post glossary tab Console . I think it might be useful for every user of the wallet of GCC. At the moment, these commands are scarce and the pages and groups on GCC Group are in different places. In this post I will try to put in one place all the commands that can assist users to operate a wallet of GCC. I thought that this post will be updated if somewhere there is a new command so that it is always current .. If anyone of the readers will know something else and it seems to me that this might be invited to share the information in the comments under the post. Certainly after checking each command on the wallet will add it to the dictionary.
Glossary tab CONSOLE wallet of GCC
command namecommand syntaxDescription command
This command is used to refresh the wallet and its task is to clean the visible trade wallet. When you type in the console, press the Enter
scanforalltxnsscanforalltxnsThis command is used to refresh the wallet and its task is to restore the refreshed data wallet. When you type in the console, press  the Enter
dumpprivkeydumpprivkey WALLET ADDRESS
when you type the command, press the spacebar on the keyboard and give the address of our wallet. Then press the button ENTER and the console window will see a number of our private key, which should be copied and printed. This key does not provide any other person.
importprivkeyimportprivkey PRIVATE KEY
in case of loss or damage a computer disk, if we have a private key that you only need to install a new wallet and then go to our console and type this command press the spacebar and give your private key. Then press the key Enter . Now we have only to restart our wallet of GCC and we have recovered our GCC and all its contents.

If you are not sure how to execute each command you can always ask your sponsor or invite you to contact the FB or e-mail address provided in the section About me

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Updated wallet and commands Console tab

In the last post I wrote about the situation of the GCC as happened to me and my colleague while turning the wallet after a long time. The company essentially at the same time solved this problem by providing a new version of the portfolio, which can be downloaded here . This is version I will say at once that not all have to download this version. They should do those who present the following problems:
  • wallet version has been downloaded and opened before 18 July 2017 but has not been synchronized
  • not opened a new wallet before 18 July 2017 and after that date - then takes issue with synchronization.
That's one thing I wanted to write. Installation of the new wallet is simple and is done in the same way that I presented already at this blog post  Updating GCC w wallet .

Another thing maybe even more important and more useful Console tab is located in the wallet .. And where to find it? After opening the wallet

  1. In the upper right corner of the tab we enter the HELP and develops us a list of commands.
  2. Select the first or the command DEBUG.
Opens for us a window as shown in the picture below. This window is very important because here you can get a private key, which in the event of such a situation that took place with me, and which I described in the previous post is of paramount importance. I will say straight away that for instructional purposes I installed a new wallet with a completely new address.

  1. At the top of the open window, click on the tab Console .
  2. Here you can give commands written into our wallet. For example, you generate a private key or refresh our wallet.
  3. This button clears the displayed messages.
In the described under number 4, enter the command  dumpprivkey [WALLET ADDRESS HERE . The exact syntax  as save the  shows below. When you type the address and press ENTER.

After you enter this command we see on the screen something like this in Section 8.

  1. Here is the message shown by typing the locked wallet. As you can see it does not bring success.
  2. Another negative message also occurs when you type the command wallet unlocked but only to dig.
  3. Here at the open wallet we can properly execute and get our private key.
After this step, we have your private key through which we can in the event of damage to the computer lob recover his stolen our coiny accumulated on the wallet. And how to do it? Well, at the command prompt, type the command Consli our  importprivkey [PRIVATE KEY ] After this command is executed on a newly installed wallet regain our former address that has been lost. Thus, the newly installed wallet we already had two addresses GCC:

  • new address generated during setup and installation wallet 
  • old restored given above command.
I'll just add that much to restore the address visible you will be needed to restart the wallet.
Today it's probably enough to say I would. In the next post I will try to do so if a glossary of commands that can be entered in our console wallet of GCC, the syntax and a description of these commands, which have so far met.