Friday, 24 June 2016

Time to start operation

We're already registered So, we have explained most of the fields from the home page of our account MX. Time to take action for the desired retirement. To do this log in to your account, and then click the button that is located either in the main menu bar or on a panel at the main information about the ads:

When you click on one of these possibilities will open up a window as shown below ::
  1. To start clicking our ads, click the button labeled 1 use it to move to the next page, which will start an already paid.
  2. They are advertising for which we do not dostaiemy. if we want to improve the situation of the owners of the site are the two cliques also not hurt.
  3. In fact, store MX operates only from 2-3 days so far nothing more I can say about this except that this is another functionality through the program seems to be more reliable, more future-oriented.
After clicking No. 1 go to the page shown below:
And here begins the arduous task of collecting funds. You have to click on the ads to get something out of it daily, you can click on the ad 100, each of which is worth $ 0,005. In this way a day can wyklikać $ 0.50 at the beginning of the work is arduous. I reckon you have to spend about an hour a day on a banned 100 ads. After 10 days we have the satisfaction that we can buy the first pack of advertising worth $ 5. Clicking any of the advertising move to the next window, which probably will tomorrow. I'll see you

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